Storybook Cottage: A THRIVE Consulting Project

Attending our very first SHIFT Childcare Leaders Conference back in February, childcare business owners and directors Betty and Shirley won our conference giveaway of a free, one-day assessment of their preschools.

This dream team have owned and operated their childcare company for 30 years, but felt they had gotten their business as far as they could take it and needed some outside perspective on continuing their growth.

HINGE Founder Kathy Ligon—alongside Operations & Staffing Consultant, Kathe Petchel; National Director of Real Estate, Mike Pepper; and good friend and CEO of Better Beans Branding, Thad Joiner—met with Betty and Shirley and toured each of their Storybook Cottage preschools in mid-May to give them just the insights they’d been looking for.

Watch the video below to see how the assessment day went and what Betty and Shirley thought about THRIVE Consulting:


HINGE Presenting at Two Childcare Conferences This October


Sale of Childcare Business in Savannah, GA