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Recent Transactions by State
Articulating Your Preschool USPs to Build Enrollment
To host an impactful center tour, it’s important that staff are trained on the school’s unique selling points, or USPs.
Childcare Center Tour Secrets and Strategies
Childcare center tours are your single greatest opportunity to persuade parents that your school is the right choice for their child.
The True Cost of Care: Setting Your Preschool Tuition Rates
With rising costs and difficulties hiring and retaining high quality team members, the challenge of balancing tuition rates with cost of care has become more difficult than ever in early education.
The Value of Running a Competitive Process for the Sale of Your School
Think of the sale of your school like you would the sale of your house — would you accept an offer before marketing to the masses?
Real Estate Options for Your Childcare Business
One of the most confusing decisions for any business owner is whether to lease or own the facility from which you operate.
Top 10 Ways to Increase the Value of Your School
HINGE Advisors has determined ten full-proof strategies to help set your school apart from the competition and allow you to sell your childcare business for maximum value when the time is right.
I Want to Sell my School in a Few Years—When Should I Connect with an Advisor?
If you think you’re less than 5 years away from putting your childcare business and/or real estate up for sale, now is the time to connect with a transaction advisor.
5 Must-Haves for Massive Success
While success may look different to different people, Entrepreneur and Leadership Coach Aleta Mechtel has narrowed down five must-haves that can guarantee success for your business, no matter your definition.
Controlling Childcare Labor Costs
To accurately balance the financial picture at your school, HINGE Advisors believes your occupancy should be at least 70% of your actual licensed capacity.
The Right Way to Calculate Your School's Occupancy
Often, childcare owners believe their occupancy is higher than it actually is. Here’s how the HINGE team suggest how to calculate yours.
The Hidden Impact of Discounting Tuition in Child Care
At HINGE Advisors, we have long counseled childcare clients on the hidden dangers of discounting tuition.
Planting Fertilizer to Grow Your Childcare Teams
Investing time and resources into your staff’s skills and knowledge doesn’t only help them grow, it can help your business grow too!