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from HINGE Advisors
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Recent Transactions by State
THRIVE Workshop Chicago Recap
HINGE Advisors hosted their sixth annual THRIVE Workshop in Chicago on May 11th and 12th and were thrilled to be back in person with attendees for this one-of-a-kind event!
Where to Find HINGE Content this November
Find HINGE Senior Client Relations Kathe Petchel online this month presenting at
Where in the World is Kathe Petchel?
Find HINGE Head of Client Relations Kathe Petchel online and in person this month
Where to Find HINGE in September
Find HINGE Head of Client Relations Kathe Petchel online and in person this month
HINGE Speaking Engagements in August
Find the HINGE team online this month hosting exclusive webinars for statewide associations as well as Framework members. Find out where you can collect content from HINGE rockstars like Kathy Ligon, Kathe Petchel and Molly Hichens in this blog post!
HINGE Summer Speaking Engagements
The HINGE team can be found at national and regional events this summer as well as hosting exclusive webinars for Framework members. Find out where you can collect content from HINGE rockstars like Kathy Ligon, Kathe Petchel and Molly Hichens throughout the summer in this blog post!
Where You Can Find the HINGE Team in May
The HINGE team is excited to speak at both national and international childcare conferences this month as well as host some content-packed webinars for early education organizations. Find out where you can find Kathy Ligon, Kathe Petchel and Molly Hichens throughout the month of May in this blog post!
HINGE's April Events and Speaking Engagements
The HINGE team is thrilled to have been invited to speak at four organizations’ webinars and conferences this month! Find out where you can access content from Kathy Ligon, Kathe Petchel and Molly Hichens throughout the month of April in this blog post!
Where You Can Find the HINGE Team this Month
HINGE’s Client Relations team will be presenting at events from coast to coast this month. Find out where you can find Kathe Petchel and Molly Hichens throughout the month of March in this blog post!
2021 SHIFT Orange County: A Recap
Thank you to all of our amazing 2021 attendees who made their way to the west coast for our fourth annual SHIFT Childcare Leaders Conference last week! Childcare operatives from 147 businesses operating in 32 states across the U.S. came together to learn from and engage with early education providers and stakeholders.
HINGE to Attend the 37th Annual AELL Conference
The team at HINGE is thrilled to attend our first in-person event of the year, AELL's 37th Annual National Conference in Orlando, FL! Make sure to stop by our booth or attend one of our team’s sessions and say hello.
HINGE's April Speaking Engagements
Client development specialist Kathe Petchel is out and about this month sharing her knowledge with early childhood business owners and directors. Click to see where you can find her this month!