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from HINGE Advisors
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Recent Transactions by State
2020 THRIVE Masterclass Series: Essentialism
Childcare business owners often catch themselves working in their business instead of on it. And with the incredible amount of incoming distractions, it’s easy for owners to get bogged down in tasks that might be good to do but aren’t essential to operating a quality, financially healthy business…
HINGE's 2019 Strategic Planning Sessions
The HINGE team met up in beautiful Lake Keowee, SC over the first week of November to set our 2020 strategic plans and were joined once again by executive coach Linda Salane and leadership coach Phyllis Nolan. Click to see photos from the week!
New! Half Day at THRIVE
Registration for our 2019 THRIVE Workshop in Denver, CO is now open! We will be at the beautiful Kimpton Hotel Born on September 12th & 13th to focus on improving your early learning school’s financial health and this year we’ve got a little something extra for attendees…
Kathy Ligon Co-Authors Article for Child Care Exchange Magazine
Founder & CEO of HINGE Brokers, Kathy Ligon, contributed to Child Care Exchange Magazine’s Thirty-Second Annual Status Report on For-Profit Child Care. The article reveals growth in the industry, discusses staffing challenges and lists North America’s largest for-profit child care organizations.
2019 THRIVE Masterclass Series
As you begin to consider the future of the childcare company you’ve built, it is beneficial to begin with the end in mind. That’s why we are so excited to reveal that our 2019 webinar series will center around Succession Planning: Your Roadmap to Success.
A Year-End Letter from HINGE
HINGE Founder & CEO Kathy Ligon shares a few tips and insights on how best to set yourself up for success in the new year. Find out how she reflected on 2018 and the steps she took to ensure for a more positive 2019 in her year-end letter.
HINGE Strategic Planning Recap
With another year fast approaching, the HINGE team gathered together during the first week of November to map out our strategic plan for 2019. Click to see photos from the week.
Storybook Cottage: A THRIVE Consulting Project
Attending our very first SHIFT Childcare Business Leaders Conference back in February, childcare business owners and directors Betty and Shirley won our conference giveaway of a free, one-day assessment of their preschools.
HINGE Welcomes Its Newest Team Member
In our effort to provide childcare businesses with useful resources to grow their schools, we decided it was time to build on our knowledgeable team and bring in someone who knows first-hand what it takes to own and operate a childcare business. Welcome to the team, Kathe Petchel!
THRIVE versus SHIFT: What's the Difference?
Recently, many of you have asked, “What’s the difference between your THRIVE Workshops and SHIFT Conference?” So we thought we would give everyone a bit more information to help distinguish between these two incredible events.
We've Grown Westward (again!)...Meet Henry
As HINGE has grown and evolved, so has the complexity and diversity of our clients' individual situations. One specific need led to a great find with our newest team member, Henry Tiberi.
Help Us in Welcoming Alec
We keep growing! HINGE is proud to introduce our newest team member, Alec Ligon. Alec has joined our team as a Transaction Manager and Associate Broker for the northeast region.