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from HINGE Advisors
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Recent Transactions by State
Nailing Your Center Systems: 6 Things to Make Your School Attractive to Buyers
“It’s best to sell when you’re performing well!” This means your business runs well day to day, you have a reliable team in place, your facility is well taken care of, and you have sufficient systems working to enhance your programs. Here’s where we suggest you get started…
South Carolina School and Real Estate Sold to Regional Group
HINGE is pleased to announce the sale of a childcare business and its real estate in the South Carolina market to a fast growing regional group of schools. This transaction was led by Senior Transaction Advisor Alec Ligon.
Focusing on Your Facility: Steps to Impress Potential Buyers
Whether you are considering an exit in the near future or still growing your brand, there are a few things you can do now to prepare. Investing in your facility will not only allow you to get the work completed within your budget but it will save you time later.
HINGE's April Events and Speaking Engagements
The HINGE team is thrilled to have been invited to speak at four organizations’ webinars and conferences this month! Find out where you can access content from Kathy Ligon, Kathe Petchel and Molly Hichens throughout the month of April in this blog post!
Atlanta Area School and Real Estate Sold to National Provider
The HINGE team is happy to announce the successful sale of a former franchise school in the Atlanta market to a national provider. This transaction was led by Senior Advisor Alec Ligon.
9-Site Phoenix School Sold to International Provider
HINGE Advisors is excited to announce the successful sale of a 9-site, 50+ year family owned childcare business in the greater Phoenix market to an international group of schools.
Tampa Childcare Business Sold to National Provider
The team at HINGE is pleased to announce the successful sale of a single site school located in the thriving Tampa, Florida market. The school was sold to a national provider wanting to expand their holdings in the area.
HINGE Team Completes 8-Week Leadership Course
To launch 2022, the team at HINGE committed to an 8-week Leadership Sprint Course with Rize Leadership Coach Tom Wood. The customized course allowed the HINGE team to cover a range of leadership topics in short, 30-minute sprints each Friday.
Where You Can Find the HINGE Team this Month
HINGE’s Client Relations team will be presenting at events from coast to coast this month. Find out where you can find Kathe Petchel and Molly Hichens throughout the month of March in this blog post!
HINGE Aids Sale of 5-Site Business in Greater San Diego Market
The team at HINGE is pleased to announce the successful sale of a five-site early education business in the greater San Diego market. Launching a competitive process with multiple offers meant that the sellers were able to select the best fit for their school.
Kathy Ligon Co-Authors 'Status Report on For-Profit Child Care'
Founder & CEO of HINGE Brokers, Kathy Ligon, authored Exchange Magazine’s Thirty-Fifth Annual Status Report on For-Profit Child Care. The article reveals the ongoing struggles facing childcare business owners, but offers up a renewed sense of optimism about the future of the industry.
4-Site Business and Real Estate in CA Sold to a National Operator
HINGE is thrilled to announce the sale of a 4-site business and related real estate in the Sacramento market to a national provider. The business founders were seeking an exit to focus on their young family and other education-related business opportunities.